Welcome to NEO CITY, a futuristic alternate reality where every object tells a story, and every corner hides a secret.
Try this immersive experience and follow the clues in every corner of the city. Interacting with the objects will unlock hidden secrets and exclusive stories behind the Parasite Club brands. Are you ready to explore NEO CITY?
Welcome to the ACID Rooftop Pool! Don’t get distracted by the view. All the secrets you’re looking for are right in front of you.
Welcome to the PARASITE Lounge Bar. Look around for secrets near the bar or beneath the flickering neon.
Welcome to the PORTRAIT Art Gallery, where every artwork may hide a secret and each corner tells a story.

ACID originally launched in 2005 under the name Noego

The idea for Parasite's dual temples was born in 2000 during the "Lunetiers du Jura" design competition, when Hugo Martin was still a student

The idea for Parasite's dual temples was born in 2000 during the "Lunetiers du Jura" design competition, when Hugo Martin was still a student